


June Show Report from the Riding Program: Starting Summer on the Right Hoof

June Show Report from the Riding Program: Starting Summer on the Right Hoof

While graduation at Foxcroft marks the close of the school year, 这也标志着夏季时装秀季的开始. After traveling some distance to several venues for the spring shows, it is always a welcome change to go a mere 20 minutes up the road to ride at three competitions in June. The Grafton Farm and Salem Farm venues are situated on either side of Route 50 in Upperville and are a stunning and horse-friendly setting for these June adventures.

The Foxcroft trainers took advantage of the unrated Upperville Jump 4乐趣 show on Sunday, June 2, to solidify new horse and rider partnerships and prepare some duos for the two rated weeks of showing at the same venue. Six riders and nine horses attended this show and made great use of their time in the ring. The jumper riders brought home 14 clear round blues and the hunters earned a 5th and an 8th place in huge classes. As always, 我们感谢威尼斯彩票游戏的员工, 凯西Vidalon, piloting the horses around in both the jumper and the hunter rings to prepare them for the students to have great trips. 骑手和马匹的细节列在下面.

在周日的未分级演出中收获颇丰之后, a group of Foxcroft riders were excited to compete in the rated week of the historic Upperville柯尔99499威尼斯信誉 and Horse Show. 6月3日至9日, Foxcroft sent six horses to the jumper rings with three student riders and one outside professional rider. Special thanks to Caroline Adams who showed Hrabia, the freshly imported jumper of Michelle L. ’27, in his first stateside classes — he was a star and we are so excited to see Michelle build a partnership with him this fall. 卡洛琳还帮助做了一些培训课程,以建立1.为他们的骑手提供一周的0米跳台比赛. 在她的职业车手和学生车手之间, these horses earned a total of 9 clear round blues in the prep classes. 有准备好的马匹和随时待命的骑手, the Foxcroft group had a very successful week in classes ranging from the 1.0m to the 1.25m heights. Penelope M. ’27 rode her two horses, MTM Fashionista and DC, to four strong finishes in the 1.20米青少年跳远赛,并获得第8名.05米少年跳远经典赛. Cierra C. ’25 and her partner, Generosa MK, earned a 3rd and a 6th place in the 1.20米青少年跳远班. The most exciting highlight from Upperville this year was watching Valeska F. ’26 smile from ear to ear as she led the victory galloping after jumping double clear and fast to earn the blue in the 1.青少年跳远经典. This was especially thrilling since this was Valeska’s first time competing at this height and her first rated show riding Ferrari. 

在厄普维尔度过了美好的一周之后, the Foxcroft team was excited to welcome more riders to compete at the same venue for the week of the 在劳顿中获益 Horse Show. The six riders and eight horses participating in this show contested classes ranging from the Opportunity Short/Long Stirrup Equitation to the USHJA 2’3” hunters to the 1.25 jumpers. Madison B. ’24 kindly shared the riding duties for her horse Moonwalk with Anneliese C. 26岁的时候,他们每个人都把他带到了实心丝带上. Hayley B. 25骑库利大决赛本周在猎人队开始, 然后她决定在周末试着穿上跳绳. “Finnious,"从一个当地朋友那里借给威尼斯彩票游戏的, is a jack of all trades and was happy to accommodate the change of scenery from flower boxes to striped rails and show Hayley the ropes in the jumper ring. Penelope M. 27岁那年,她帮助妹妹、即将入学的大一新生艾拉. ’28 get to know the rhythm of showing with the Foxcroft team as Isla rode her new mare, Jetske VDP, 到第三名 .90m Jumpers. We look forward to helping this new partnership develop this coming year.

一边为妹妹加油, Penelope was able to add color to the banner by riding to top ribbons in the 1.0m Junior Jumpers with her two horses and ultimately claiming the 8th place ribbon in the 1.05米少年套头衫经典与MTM时尚达人. Special congratulations to Penelope on the purchase of this special mare. We are over the moon to know that “Fancy” is now a permanent member of the McConnell family! After a fantastic week at Upperville with her temporary lease horse Ferrari, Valeska F. ’26 and “Vroom Vroom” as we affectionately call her in the barn stayed clean and fast to earn a 2nd and an 8th in the 1.第二周10米青少年跳远比赛. Valeska也骑了Send It, 她正在培育的一匹新马, 到其他跳线组的缎带. Rounding out the pretty ribbons on the banner from 在劳顿中获益 was a beautiful 10th-place rosette earned by Cierra C. 25年和她的母马杰尼罗萨·MK.25 Jr/Am Jumper Classic.

Read below to celebrate the complete results from these two weeks of showing at Upperville and then at 在劳顿中获益.


Upperville Jump 4乐趣 

  • A total of 14 clear round blue ribbons were earned by jumper riders Maddie K. 26岁,Valeska F. 1926年,佩内洛普·M. 在他们的课堂上.

  • 凯西Vidalon(威尼斯彩票游戏员工) & 英俊- 5分2分猎人

  • Sammie M. ’27 & 英俊——第八名:2英尺3英寸的猎人

Upperville柯尔99499威尼斯信誉 & Horse Show

  • A total of 9 clear round blue ribbons were earned by the jumper riders Cierra C. 25年,瓦莱丝卡·F. 26岁,佩内洛普·M. 27年,卡洛琳·亚当斯(职业车手)骑着米歇尔·L. 27在他们的1.0m预科班.

  • Valeska F. ’26 & Ferrari - 1.10/1.15米小型跳远:经典赛第七、第七、第一 1.10/1.15米跳远预备冠军

  • Penelope M. ’27 & MTM时尚达人- 1.100米小跳远:第2、5、8名.05m Classic 

  • Penelope M. ’27 & DC - 1.100米小跳远:第6,第7 

  • Cierra C. ’25 & Generosa MK - 1.20/1.25米越野:第3、第6


  • 凯西Vidalon(威尼斯彩票游戏员工) & Anneliese C. ’26 & 太空步- USHJA 2 ' 3 "猎人:第五,第八

  • Madison B. ’24 & 太空步-短/长马镫Eq - walk:第2名

  • Valeska F. ’26 & Send It - .95米越野:第四名

  • Valeska F. ’26 & Ferrari - 1.10m Jumper: 8th; 1.10/1.15米小型跳远:第二名、第八名

  • Penelope M. ’27 & MTM时尚达人- 1.100米小/米跳远:经典赛第八名,第六名 

  • Isla M. ’28 & Jetske VDP - .90米跳远:第三名 & 2清晰的圆形蓝色

  • Cierra C. ’25 & Generosa MK - 1.20/1.25米越野:经典赛第10名 

  • 卡洛琳·亚当斯(职业车手) & Wasabi - 1.15米跳远:第二名


P-Sky M. 27年和1岁时在厄普维尔的范西.0m Jr Jprs.

一个女孩骑在马上对着镜头微笑 with a red ribbon while another girls stands holding a pink ribbon