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The Paul K. Bergan Poetry Festival is Next Week!

The Paul K. Bergan Poetry Festival is Next Week!

Thursday and Friday, April 11-12

The Foxcroft community will demonstrate its appreciation for the written and spoken word next Thursday and Friday, April 11-12, during the Paul K. Bergan Poetry Festival.

On Thursday, the community will enjoy a fun evening outdoors in Miss Charlotte’s Garden featuring the always fun Open Mic and Poetry Slam. Friday morning, visiting poet Junious ‘Jay’ Ward will hold a reading for the entire Foxcroft community in the Audrey Bruce Currier Library, followed by workshops conducted by our visiting poet and Foxcroft faculty for students in the afternoon. 

We look forward to hosting this remarkable poet and to being blown away by the talent of our students at Foxcroft’s annual celebration of the wonder and power of words!

The full schedule of events:

Thursday, April 11
7-8pm     Open Mic — Miss Charlotte’s Garden
8-9pm     Poetry Slam — Miss Charlotte’s Garden
Friday, April 12
9:30-10:30am        Junious ‘Jay’ Ward Reading — Library
10:45am-12pm      Workshops I — Various locations
1-2:15pm                Workshops II — Various Locations