


What A Time to Be Alive: Diving into the Miracles of Earth with 2023 Goodyear Fellow Dr. 西尔维娅·厄尔

What A Time to Be Alive: Diving into the Miracles of Earth with 2023 Goodyear Fellow Dr. 西尔维娅·厄尔

Dr. 西尔维娅·厄尔 found her love of water and the ocean very early in life.

“I got knocked over by a wave when I was three,她分享道。 during her presentation to students. “海浪把我卷到了水下, 一开始我有点害怕, 但后来我意识到这很有趣, 从那以后我就一直在潜水.“作为一名开创性的海洋学家, 资源管理器, 作者, 自然资源保护主义者拥有超过7个,在水下度过了5000小时, 这一点也不夸张!

Last Thursday, as the 56th Alison Harrison Goodyear ’29 Fellow to speak at Foxcroft, Dr. 厄尔和学生们一起度过了这一天, answering questions and sharing some of her life experiences and thoughts on ocean preservation. 

“[The ocean] is vulnerable to what we're putting into it and what we're taking out of it,她分享道。. “It once seemed like nothing we could do could possibly change the weather, could possibly alter the nature of nature, 当然也不会危害海洋, that we could have an impact on when it rains or when it doesn't, or that we could ever have an impact on ice in the polar regions. 我还是个孩子的时候, it seemed impossible to endanger Santa Claus, 北极熊, 海象, 最终是我们自己.”

But as she mentioned several times throughout her comments, she is hopeful. “But we are — and you are especially — the luckiest humans ever. The greatest era of exploration itself is just beginning. We are poised with choices we didn't know we had until right now. We can choose to make peace with nature. We can choose an enduring future for ourselves within the matrix of all the other creatures that live on our planet. Or, we can choose to do what we've always done, 哪一个是消耗自然, thinking that it doesn't matter how many trees we cut, 或者我们取多少鱼, 或者我们建了多少水坝.”

When speaking about her early years as a botanist, she shared two key opportunities that helped solidify her career trajectory. The first was an opportunity to spend six weeks at sea studying seaweed and fish. Ultimately realizing she would be one woman among 70 men, she said it really wasn’t a problem. “I was focused on what I was there to do as a botanist. 我是作为专业人士去的.”

The second was an opportunity to live underwater for two weeks. “They didn't expect women to apply, but some of us did. 他们允许我们中的五个人被选中, but they couldn't tolerate the idea that men and women could live [together] underwater. So they made a women's team, and that created big headlines. This was 1970, and astronauts were all the rage. The idea that you're aquanauts caught the imagination of people. So we got a ticker tape parade down the streets of Chicago and were invited to the White House. We were given medals as the women's team because we were special. 无论如何, one thing that set us apart was the fact that they did not call us aquanauts — we were the aqua babes or the aqua naughties. But really, we didn't care much what they called us as long as we got to go, and we did.”

Once again sharing her eternal optimism, Dr. Earle reflected on the current climate and what can be done. “地球是一个生物地球化学奇迹, and what we do to the rest of life on Earth determines what will happen to us. 再一次。, 我觉得我们很幸运能看到它, to understand we are one little piece of this amazing fabric of life, and we've been doing damage to that fabric, 但你也可以解决问题. We could not do it a century ago, even 50 years ago. 你可以. You've come along at a moment when the technology exists, 知识是存在的, to really shape a future where we have a future.”

She closed with this advice to students; “When people say ‘you can't do that’ for whatever reason (you’re a girl, 或者你太年轻或太老), don't let anybody for whatever reason steal your dreams, 无论你的梦想是什么.”

In addition to speaking with the Foxcroft community, Dr. Earle visited the AP Biology and AP Chemistry classes and enjoyed lunch with several students interested in oceanography and ocean conservation. Later that evening, the local community was invited to campus to hear her speak.

谢谢博士. Earle for her time and the Alison Harrison Goodyear ’29 Fellowship Program for providing this wonderful experience for our community.